8 Tips for an Effective Homework Station

School is in full swing now! There is a good chance that your table is covered in piles of homework, pens, markers, and books. Rather than pushing everything to one side in order to squeeze onto the table for your daily meals, instead lets reclaim that table by creating a separate super effective homework station!

A homework station doesn’t need to take a ton of space, but even a small desk area can make a huge difference if it is properly organized.

Utilize an Organization Board

An organization board can be made of anything from a simple cork or magnet board, or something a little more creative like using clothes pins or clips to hang papers. 

Give the Kids their Own Space

If you have multiple kids try to find a space to give each child their own area to keep assignments separated and cause less confusion.

Have Proper Lighting

A dark corner is not going to spark much creativity for your little ones! If you can find a spot with natural light that is the best, but if not, find a great desk lamp!

Have a Calendar

Keeping track of important dates and deadlines will keep your child focused on what is going on in school and life. Keep it somewhere visible so that you can stay in the loop too! Along with the calendar you can have a dry erase or chalk board for them to write down important notes.

Keep it Organized

Find good containers to organize supplies and keep them close at hand. Use compartment organizers, magazine files, or baskets to keep track of when assignments are due. Label them with Monday- Friday to know exactly what needs to get turned in.

Don’t be Afraid of Color

Color helps creativity, why not have a little fun with the space!

Keep Electrical Outlets in Mind

Especially as your child transitions into the older grades technology will be increasingly used.  Be sure there are electrical outlets available to plug in a computer, printer, clock, etc.

Place to Display or Organize Books

Even with the increasing amount of technology, homework still involves lots of books! have a book shelf or other book organization nearby in order to avoid the dreaded tower of books cluttering up the homework station

How do you keep your kid’s homework area organized? What have you found that helps them focus and get their homework done?

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